Provide your guests with all the information before they get to you. 

Request our DOSSIER

Thanks to our strategic locations and by using the Ticketpoint® interactive digital advertising solution, your business information will reach your potential clients in the most efficient and eye-catching way.

Through our communication solutions, we make your ad stand out via the attractiveness and visual interaction of the digital format, informing the client in real time of the latest news about your business and everything related with advertising promotion.

Allow in turn, thanks to the functions of our Totems, that the user physically interact with your ad by printing promotional tickets, making reservations or answering satisfaction surveys of your products and / or services through the platform.

We propose and recommend local and regional businesses as places of leisure for holiday makers, providing them with information of what to do, where to eat or where to go shopping, allowing them to subsequently, carry the information with them through a QR code or through the Internet.

Reduce costs in advertising on paper and get into digital advertising: less costs, more performance.

Savings in the use of flyers, banners, paper, posters … etc.


Sales system according to availability for tickets and / or products.


Fully customizable satisfaction surveys.

Use of videos, images, interactive sliders and web content for promote your company.

Integration of interactive content such as Menu, Dress Code, Image Gallery, Price List, Catalog…etc

Offers and / or promotions available and ready to be printed and used in the destination.

Interactive maps of how to get to your establishment.


Advertising in 5 languages (Spanish, English, German, Russian and French).


24 Hours availability.

Reservation system according to availability for products and / or services.

Promotions and updated offers that are available instantly at the point of demand.


Display content on other devices using QR codes or through the internet.


Visual and dynamic information on advertising places located in one of the most successful shopping centers in the Canary Islands.


Offer holidaymakers information in detail about your business.

If you are interested in advertising with us, please provide us with your data and in less than 48 hours we will contact you.


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